
YUV(EBU) to YPbPr(Y/PB/PR,YPRPB,PRPBY,PBPRY,Y/Pb/Pr,YPrPb,PrPbY,PbPrY,Y/R-Y/B-Y,Y(R-Y)(B-Y),R-Y,B-Y) Converter - Color Space Converter

YUV(EBU) color space introduction

Also known as the YUV(EBU) color space.There are 3 channels in total, Y,range from 0 to 1.U,range from -0.5 to 0.5.V,range from -0.5 to 0.5.
Origin: The YUV color space was designed for analog video signal transmission, separating luminance information (Y) from chrominance information (U and V) to improve the efficiency of color transmission and ensure compatibility with black and white television.
Primary Names: YUV color space, where 'Y' represents the luminance component, and 'U' and 'V' represent the chrominance components, describing the difference in color from a reference white.
Typically expressed as a triplet, for example: YUV(0.5, -0.33, 0.25) represents a color with specific luminance and chrominance.
Usage Scope: Mainly used in analog video transmission and compression. In modern applications, YUV is common in digital video encoding and broadcasting, video editing software, and image processing.
Additionally, the YUV format is very effective in color processing to reduce bandwidth requirements because it allows the resolution of chrominance components to be reduced during transmission rather than luminance components, taking advantage of the human eye's greater sensitivity to luminance over chrominance changes.

YPbPr(Y/PB/PR,YPRPB,PRPBY,PBPRY,Y/Pb/Pr,YPrPb,PrPbY,PbPrY,Y/R-Y/B-Y,Y(R-Y)(B-Y),R-Y,B-Y) color space introduction

Also known as the YPbPr(Y/PB/PR,YPRPB,PRPBY,PBPRY,Y/Pb/Pr,YPrPb,PrPbY,PbPrY,Y/R-Y/B-Y,Y(R-Y)(B-Y),R-Y,B-Y) color space.There are 3 channels in total,Y,range from 0 to 1.Pb,range from -0.5 to 0.5.Pr,range from -0.5 to 0.5.
Origin: The YPbPr color space originates from analog television broadcasting and component video technology, designed to be compatible with black-and-white television while efficiently transmitting color information.
Primary Names: YPbPr color space, where 'Y' is for luminance, 'Pb' stands for the blue difference component, and 'Pr' represents the red difference component.
YPbPr is typically expressed as three separate signals, for example: YPbPr(0.6, 0.2, 0.15) representing specific luminance and color differences.
Usage Scope: It's primarily used for analog television signals and connecting devices such as DVD players, video game consoles, and home theater systems to TVs.
Additionally, YPbPr is designed to separate the luminance (Y) from the color information (Pb and Pr), which is beneficial for black-and-white displays and synchronization in analog transmission.

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