
YIQ to LCH Converter - Color Space Converter

YIQ color space introduction

Also known as the YIQ color space.There are 3 channels in total, Y,range from 0 to 1.I,range from -0.5957 to 0.5957.Q,range from -0.5226 to 0.5226.
Origin: The YIQ color space was specifically designed for the North American NTSC color television standard to accommodate compatibility between color and monochrome television broadcasts.
Primary Names: YIQ color space, where 'Y' represents the luminance component, 'I' represents the in-phase component, and 'Q' represents the quadrature component.
Typically expressed as a triplet, for example: YIQ(0.5, 0.2, 0.3) represents a color with specific luminance and chromaticity.
Usage Scope: Mainly used in the North American NTSC (National Television System Committee) color television broadcasting system. Although less used in modern digital technology, it played a significant role during the era of analog television.
Additionally, the YIQ color space allows old black and white television receivers to receive and correctly display the luminance signal from color broadcasts without interference from the color information.

LCH color space introduction

Also known as the LCH color space.There are 3 channels in total,Lightness,range from 0 to 100.Chroma,range from 0 to 150.Hue,range from 0 to 360.
The LCH color space is a cylindrical representation of the CIELAB color model.
LCH color space.
In the LCH color space, colors are represented by Lightness (L*), Chroma or Purity (C*), and Hue angle (H°).
The LCH color space is commonly used in color design and analysis, particularly when intuitive handling of colors is needed.
The LCH color space facilitates intuitive color selection and adjustment by users based on hue, saturation, and lightness.

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