UVW(cieuvw,cie1964) to OSA-UCS Converter - Color Space Converter
UVW(cieuvw,cie1964) color space introduction
Also known as the UVW(cieuvw,cie1964) color space.There are 3 channels in total, U,range from -134 to 224.V,range from -140 to 122.W,range from 0 to 100.
Developed by the CIE in 1964 as an improvement over the CIE 1960 UCS for better perceptual uniformity across different hues and lightness levels.
It is known as the CIE 1964 (U^*, V^*, W^*) color space, and commonly abbreviated as CIE UVW.
The color in the CIE UVW space is represented by three coordinates: (U^*), (V^*), and (W^*). These are calculated from the XYZ coordinates with a series of transformations intended to achieve a more uniform color space, taking into account the luminance factor.
The CIE UVW color space is used in specialized applications that require a uniform measure of color differences, such as in colorimetry research and the development of color standards.
The CIE UVW color space is less commonly used in practical applications today, having been largely replaced by more advanced color spaces like CIELAB and CIELUV, which offer better perceptual uniformity.
OSA-UCS color space introduction
Also known as the OSA-UCS color space.There are 3 channels in total,L,range from -10 to 8.j,range from -6 to 12.g,range from -10 to 6.
The OSA-UCS color space was developed by the Optical Society of America in the 1970s with the goal of creating a color space that provided a more uniform appearance than the CIE 1931 XYZ color space.
The OSA-UCS color space, also known as the Optical Society of America Uniform Color Scale.
Colors in the OSA-UCS color space are represented by three parameters: lightness (L), hue (J), and chroma (g).
OSA-UCS is used in the field of visual sciences for the research and precise measurement of color differences due to its uniformity.
The application of the OSA-UCS color space is relatively limited in the commercial sector, primarily because it is more complex to calculate and not as widely used as the CIELAB color space.
You might also want to convert UVW color space to these formats:
UVW to HEX converterUVW to RGB(sRGB) converterUVW to CMYK converterUVW to CMY converterUVW to XYZ(ciexyz,cie1931,XYZ D65) converterUVW to HSL converterUVW to HSV(HSB) converterUVW to HSI converterUVW to HWB converterUVW to xyY(Yxy,yxy) converterUVW to YIQ converterUVW to YUV(EBU) converterUVW to YDbDr converterUVW to YCgCo converterUVW to YPbPr(Y/PB/PR,YPRPB,PRPBY,PBPRY,Y/Pb/Pr,YPrPb,PrPbY,PbPrY,Y/R-Y/B-Y,Y(R-Y)(B-Y),R-Y,B-Y) converterUVW to YCbCr(YCC) converterUVW to xvYCC converterUVW to YcCbcCrc converterUVW to UCS(cie1960) converterUVW to JPEG converterUVW to LAB(cielab) converterUVW to LABh(hunter-lab,hlab) converterUVW to lms converterUVW to LCHab(cielch,LCH,HLC,LSH) converterUVW to LUV(cieluv,cie1976) converterUVW to LCHuv(cielchuv) converterUVW to HSLuv(HuSL) converterUVW to HPLuv(HuSLp) converterUVW to Coloroid(ATV) converterUVW to HCG(HSG) converterUVW to HCY converterUVW to TSL converterUVW to yes converterUVW to HSP converterUVW to Adobe® 98 RGB compatible converterUVW to Linear Adobe® 98 RGB compatible converterUVW to ACEScc converterUVW to ACEScg converterUVW to ICTCP converterUVW to JzCzHz converterUVW to Jzazbz converterUVW to LCH converterUVW to Lab D65 converterUVW to Oklch converterUVW to Oklab converterUVW to P3 converterUVW to Linear P3 converterUVW to ProPhoto RGB converterUVW to Linear ProPhoto RGB converterUVW to REC.2020 converterUVW to Linear REC.2020 converterUVW to REC.2100-HLG converterUVW to REC.2100-PQ converterUVW to Absolute XYZ D65 converterUVW to XYZ D50 converterUVW to Linear sRGB converterUVW to DLCH(DIN99 LCH) converterUVW to DIN99 Lab(DLAB) converterUVW to OKHSL converterUVW to OKHSV converterUVW to XYB converterUVW to CubeHelix converter